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Alcohol Detox


You may be looking to take a complete break from alcohol. Our medicated HOME detox will help you to achieve this over a 5-7 day period. Supervised by our Specialist Alcohol Nurse and you will be alcohol-free and feeling great in no time.


To book an assessment today

If you are looking to take a complete break from alcohol our home detox is just for you. Over a 5 -7 day period we will safely reduce your alcohol levels until you are abstinent and feeling great.


Our detox costs only £1,500 all inclusive of medication, daily nurse home-visits and support.


ACT detox is achieved through administering medication as alcohol withdrawals can be very dangerous and distressing for the individual and their loved-ones. Abstinence is achieved by careful reaction planning and assessment with our Alcohol Nurse. For 5 -7 days you will be monitored daily by our team, ultimate care and attention will be given to you whilst you are detoxing. You will be on a personal detox plan which is agreed with you on your assessment. 


Many of us struggle to reduce our alcohol intake over a long period of time because its difficult! It takes a huge amount of willpower and theres withdrawal symptoms to deal with as well. A combination of these factors leads us to give up and our old drinking patterns take over. This, over time, creates a destructive cycle without properly addressing your relationship with alcohol.


Our 5 – 7 day detox removes you from that cycle. When you are abstinent then we can help you take a focused look at you relationship with alcohol and assess how you arrived at the point of dependency. With knowledge of your triggers to drinking, together with awareness of how the issue developed, you can feel more confident of not entering back into the same old patterns of drinking.


We always have your confidentiality at the fore-front of our minds. Our service is discreet and bespoke, detoxing you in the privacy and comfort of your own home.


Our after-care service is second to none. We won’t let you go without making sure that you are fully supported in the months ahead, which can be challenging at times even for those blessed with an abundance of will-power! We have after-care treatment programmes depending on how frequently you want to see us following your detox. 


It will be the best thing you ever did! Contact us today to enquire.


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Call today to find out more information about our detox plan. Alternatively email info@actalcohol.co.uk

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