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Why Is Alcohol Such A Normalised Drug?

Why Is Alcohol Such A Normalised Drug?

Back in my dependent drinking days, I always struggled to say no to a glass of wine. Yet I never had a problem turning down ‘proper’ drugs.   I grew up with the “just say no” advertising campaigns of the 80s and 90s. It was drummed into us that drugs were...
The Reasons Why You Are Procrastinating

The Reasons Why You Are Procrastinating

Its Difficult For You To Take Action, And Stick To It!   You spend a lot of time thinking about your drinking; worrying and wondering whether you should quit. You buy books about alcohol free living and follow sober bloggers on Instagram. You wake up hungover and...
Fight Those Cravings

Fight Those Cravings

Cravings are common when you are reducing or quitting. Suddenly, drinking is all you can think about and that little voice in your head whispers, “just one won’t hurt!” It’s normal to experience cravings. They’re not a sign that you’re weak, flawed or destined for...
Facing Up To The Truth

Facing Up To The Truth

Facing up to the truth of addiction is tough. All too often the denial of a situation can prolong the need to confront an issue. At ACT we talk to lots of people who are locked into this kind of vicious circle of addiction and denial. Refusing to acknowledge that you...
How Much Is Drinking Too Much?

How Much Is Drinking Too Much?

Okay, so we know moderate drinking is defined as one or two drinks per day, let’s get into exactly how much drinking is too much. The NIAAA considers high-risk, or excessive, drinking a pattern that includes having four or more drinks a day or more than eight drinks a...
What Is Denial?

What Is Denial?

Denial is common among those suffering with alcohol dependency. Your loved ones may have tried to discuss the problem with you, but you were unable to see things as clearly as them. Denial is one of the body’s defence mechanisms and is employed by the brain to protect...
Julie’s Tip For The Weekend

Julie’s Tip For The Weekend

My Tip :- Hydrate! As its Saturday and nice weather.. alot of people are gearing up for a night out drinking. So how about trying out an easy strategy tonight that will make you feel bit better in the morning! Give it a try, it might make all the difference.Let me...